Dr Amy  Hill Erina Heights Vet Hospital Wamberal

Dr Amy Hill

DVM (Syd), BVetBio (Syd), BComn (Syd), Veterinarian

Dr Amy Hill is a female Veterinarian.

Amy graduated from Sydney University in 2020 and joined the team here at EHVH in mid-2021 as a keen new grad vet, ready to start a long and rewarding career. Amy has been a regular at our clinic over the years as an up-and-coming vet student while doing her clinic rotations. She is continually learning all aspects of the industry and is enjoying the quest to find her special interest. Amy is already proving to be a huge asset to the team and making her mark with exceptional customer relations and patient care. She has taken a keen liking to soft tissue surgery so is excited to further her experience in this field.