BSc(Latrobe), BVSc (Hons) (Melb), MVSc, GAICD, Veterinarian
Dr Andrew RE Cust is a male Veterinarian.
Andrew studied for a Bachelor of Science at Latrobe University before travelling overseas to England, America and Argentina. On returning to Australia, he studied Veterinary Science at the University of Melbourne and graduated in 2001, his studies having included a stint of practical experience here at the Ballarat Veterinary Practice. Andrew started his career at the Kilmore Veterinary Practice, initially working with both large and small animals. Andrew grew up on a horse stud, has played polo in Australia and overseas and has also worked casually for Racing Victoria and Harness Racing Victoria, officiating at race meetings. Andrew and his wife Louisa then moved to Macau, China, to live and work for the Macau Jockey Club, working with 1000 horses stabled at the Macau racetrack. They returned to Australia in 2008 and started with BVP. Andrew completed his Masters of Veterinary Studies, focussing on the relationship between equine hoof conformation and racing performance. Andrew joined the partnership in July 2010. Andrew has attended a conference on "The Functional Hoof 2014", a 5 day dental workshop to become a member of Equine Dental Vets Australia (2015) and completed the examinations to become an FEI Permitted Treating Veterinarian (PTV). In June 2018 Andrew graduated from the Australian Institute of Company Directors course. Andrew recently celebrated his 10 year anniversary of becoming a Director of BVP Equine Clinic. In May 2021 Andrew joined the board of directors of the Ballarat Turf Club.