Dr Angus  Adkins Avenel Equine Hospital Avenel

Dr Angus Adkins

BVSc (Melb), FANZCVS, Veterinarian

Dr Angus Adkins is a male Veterinarian.

Angus grew up in Tasmania keen to be an equine surgeon from about 14 years of age. He graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1989.

He worked in racetrack practice at Flemington for 3 years before moving to Murdoch University in Western Australia as a resident in equine medicine and surgery. Angus gained Membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Equine Surgery in 1995 and Fellowship of the ANZCVS in 2002, allowing him to be registered as a Specialist in Equine Surgery. Angus joined the Scone Equine Hospital in 1997 and his work involves surgery, radiology, conformation and lameness evaluation in stud, performance and pleasure horses. His surgical interests include fracture repair, arthroscopy, laparoscopy and all orthopaedic procedures.

Angus is currently 1 of 2 nominated veterinarians in Australia who assess the suitability of thoroughbred racehorses for export to Hong Kong. He is a member of the EVA’s education subcommittee, a keen publisher of scientific articles in veterinary journals and passionate mentor of Interns and young veterinarians. He has presented over 80 lectures at veterinary conferences around the world, including England, Germany, Belgium, Hong Kong and Australia. He was a key-note speaker at the 2015 Bain Fallon Memorial lectures.

Recipient of 2 major awards- the Seddon Memorial Prize in 2019, awarded annually by the NSW branch of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) for meritorious contribution to Veterinary Science in NSW; and the ANZCVS College Prize in 2021, awarded annually to a veterinarian who has made an outstanding practical contribution to veterinary science or practice in Australia or New Zealand without the support of an academic environment.

Angus is a past Treasurer of the EVA, past Chairman and member of the credential committee of the Equine Chapter of the ANZCVS, and a previous examiner for Membership and Fellowship of the ANZCVS.