Dr Claire  Law Rural Veterinary Services Naracoorte

Dr Claire Law

BVSc (Hons) (Syd), Veterinarian

Dr Claire Law is a female Veterinarian.

Claire and her husband Jason are the owners of Rural Veterinary Services Pty Ltd, also owning the adjoining property on which the main clinic is located. Claire completed her veterinary training at the University of Sydney, from which she graduated with first class honours in 2002.

Since graduating, Claire has worked and gained valuable experience at numerous major veterinary practices throughout South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. The major part of her working life has been spent in Naracoorte, the Atherton Tablelands (Malanda), and Bega. Claire has also provided mixed animal locum services in other practices in Australia including Roma and Charters Towers in Queensland; Bendigo in Victoria; Yass, Cooma, Bega and Griffith in New South Wales; and Moe and Swan Hill in Victoria.

With her wealth of experience and training, both at University and on-the-job, under the tutelage of some of the most qualified and experienced senior veterinarians in Australia, Claire decided she was ready to start her own practice here. She has nearly 20 years of veterinary experience and very early in her career developed a keen interest in large animals—particularly in production animal medicine, surgery and herd health - and emergency medicine in companion animals. Claire is a member of the Australian Cattle Veterinarians and is a Certified Australian Cattle Veterinarian Pregnancy Tester.