BSc (Hons), BVSc (Hons) (Qld), MANZCVS (Small Animal Medicine), Veterinarian
Dr Felicity McGovern is a female Veterinarian.
Dr Felicity McGovern graduated from the University of Queensland in 2012. Since returning to South Australia she has worked in rural mixed practice and suburban general practice before starting in the Emergency Department at AAERC in 2014.
In 2018 she began to work with Dr Woodruff in order to pursue her interest in Internal Medicine. Felicity has now been working with the Medicine Department for 4 years, and achieved Membership of the ANZCVS in Small Animal Medicine in 2021.
She is currently studying an Oncology course by distance education through Massey University. Felicity enjoys all aspects of Internal Medicine, in particular oncology, neurology (including complex seizure management and meningoencephalitis), immune-mediated disease, and diagnostic imaging and endoscopy. Felicity manages the majority of the chemotherapy patients and takes primary case management of selected cases under Dr Woodruff’s supervision.