Dr Gracen  Mason Pine Mountain Vet Clinic Brassall

Dr Gracen Mason

BVSc (JCU), Veterinarian

Dr Gracen Mason is a female Veterinarian.

Dr Gracen Mason knew she wanted to help animals from childhood and graduated from a Bachelor of Veterinary Science at James Cook University in 2017. She has returned to Queensland in 2022, after working in the UK and is excited to join the Ipswich Vet Team.

Gracen is a self-confessed cat lady and she and her partner have 3 cats at home. Lance, Australian born and very sassy, as well as their 2 failed-foster cats from England, Scoot and Zodi, who they couldn’t bear to leave behind.

At work, Gracen enjoys meeting and getting to know families and their pets and the problem solving involved when patients can’t simply tell you what is wrong. She is passionate about patient care and strives to make sure your pets feel as comfortable and loved in the clinic as they would at home.