Dr Hannah  Hopkins Hannah Hopkins Equine Vet Lovedale

Dr Hannah Hopkins

BVetBiol, BVSC (CSU), Veterinarian

Dr Hannah Hopkins is a female Veterinarian.

Dr. Hannah Hopkins is a highly skilled veterinarian with extensive experience across all areas of equine veterinary medicine. Hannah graduated from Charles Sturt University and has spent many years working in a large equine referral hospital. She is committed to delivering gold standard service and continuity of care to her patients and owners to achieve the best patient outcomes. As such, she has equipped the practice with brand new, state of the art equipment. ​ Hannah has been based in the Hunter Valley since 2013 and now operates from a base at Lovedale. She both rides and owns performance horses and racehorses. This gives her an excellent understanding of her clients needs and the ability to communicate complicated veterinary information in clear, plain english. These attributes help Hannah form close, long lasting connections with her clients. Hannah has a particular interest in sports medicine (lameness) and loves the challenge of helping a horse return to it's previous athletic ability after an injury. ​