BVSc (CSU), Veterinarian
Dr Hope Hodgson is a female Veterinarian.
In 2015 Hope joined the Eureka Vet Clinic team and many of you may have already had the opportunity to meet her as she hit the ground running in both small animal medicine and surgery.
Since joining the Eureka Veterinary Clinic, Hope has helped develop a mentoring program for younger vets, has a passion for helping prevent mental health issues within the vets and is a role model for graduate and student vets.
Hope is from a sheep, cattle and cropping enterprise an hour north of Swan Hill and is no stranger to Ballarat, having completed her final 3 years of high school as a boarder at Ballarat Grammar. She then headed to Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga, NSW, graduating from Veterinary Science in 2012. Hope’s worked in mixed animal practice at Riverland Vet Clinic in SA until she joined Eureka Vets. She enjoys most aspects of her job, but especially dermatology (skin) and ophthalmology (eye) cases, pocket pets and wildlife.
We know you’ll make Hope feel welcome as she provides quality vet care (along with an infectious smile) with us all at Eureka Vets.