BSc, BVMS, PGCBM, MANZCVS (Unusual Pets), MANZCVS (Avian Health), Veterinarian
Dr James Haberfield is a male Veterinarian.
Dr James is the founder of the Unusual Pet Vets and is one of only a handful of vets in Australia to have passed his exams and gained Membership level accreditation with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in the field of the Medicine and Surgery of Unusual Pets as well as Avian Health. He really loves working with all of the species and genuinely enjoys the challenge and variation of managing patients unique needs.
Dr James has also been involved in a range of fieldwork activities from micro-chipping Western Spiny-tailed skinks to filming with King Cobras in India. He has authored numerous scientific papers and contributed to a range of books. James has also presented at a number of veterinary conferences and has made a range of appearances on TV and radio. Together with his dad Chris he maintains a large collection of reptiles including a number of different dragons, monitors as well as some pythons and tree snakes.