BVSc (Adel), Veterinarian
Dr Katrine Milne is a female Veterinarian.
I have had an interest in animals for as long as I can remember. I had pet rabbits growing up, then moved on to horses, who taught me a lot about cooperative care. You simply can't wrestle a 500 kg horse into submission, and I enjoyed learning how to ask them to cooperate.
I have also always had a soft spot for cats, especially tortoiseshells - my first cat was a beautiful, affectionate tortie named Moneypenny, and she still holds a fond place in my heart. Cats have unique behavioural needs and helping them to thrive in their home environment brings me joy.
I graduated from the University of Adelaide's vet school in 2015 then moved to the USA with my husband Ian. We lived and worked in Illinois for 4 years, made new friends and had a great time. In 2019 we took the opportunity to move home to Adelaide. I initially worked full time in a clinic in the eastern suburbs then transitioned to relief work. I started on a casual basis with Pets and their People in October 2020, and I've been here ever since.
I have a special interest in behavioural medicine, and I enjoy nurturing the human-animal bond. I want to keep your pet healthy mentally as well as physically, and I enjoy helping pets with mental health issues live the best life they can.