Dr Lara  Hueston  The Unusual Pet Vets Ferntree Gully

Dr Lara Hueston

BVSc (Melb), GPCert (Exotic Animal Practice), PgC (Exotic Animal Species), RCVS, Veterinarian

Dr Lara Hueston is a female Veterinarian.

Dr Lara graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2013 and has been working in the UK since, predominantly with exotics, zoo and small animals. After 8 years she’s finally made the decision to return home to Australia and join the Unusual Pet Vets team. Lara moved to the UK in order to gain further experience with exotics and has since further specialised in this field. She completed an ESVPS General Practice Certificate in Exotic Animal Practice (GPCert (ExAP), a PgC in Exotic Animal Studies (PgC (EAS)) and was certified as an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine.

Lara has always had a special interest in exotics, zoo and wildlife work, having been involved in various veterinary, zoo and volunteer projects around the world, including South Africa, Costa Rica, Thailand, Australia and the UK. She was also the president of the Wildlife Appreciation Group at University.

Whilst living in the UK she was the main zoo vet for multiple zoos and worked as a consultant for different zoos and larger collections both in the south and north of the UK. She also headed up an exotics referral practice based in Sheffield. Lara had the opportunity to work with a diverse selection of animals ranging from monkeys, lemurs, otters, meerkats, lions, bears, pumas, deer, skunks, iguanas, chameleons, tortoises, terrapins, monitors, bearded dragons, snakes, birds of prey, macaws, many other species of parrots, chickens, amphibians, fish, ferrets, chinchillas, degus, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and sugar gliders (as well as the occasional pot bellied pig, goat and wild horse). She’s looking forward to focusing on our Australian exotics again.

Lara enjoys the large diversity and variation of cases the job has to offer. She is extremely passionate about the education and promotion of adequate care of exotics species and is always happy to answer any husbandry or diet related questions. She loves building rapport with clients to ensure the best care is achieved for their pets.