BSc, BVSc (Hons), MACVSc, MVM, Veterinarian
Dr Lisa Brisbane is a female Veterinarian.
Lisa grew up in Killarney Heights in Sydney and after obtaining a Science degree from the University of Sydney she started her Veterinary Science degree, graduating with first class honours in 1995. Initially she worked at on the outskirts of Sydney, seeing a wide variety of people and cases and it gave her a taste of life in the bush.
She has completed her membership examinations to the Australian College in canine medicine. She has completed post graduate courses in internal medicine and dermatology.
Lisa has also completed a master’s degree through Massey University giving her a Master of Veterinary Medicine in Companion Animals. Her special interests are endocrinology and dermatology. So if you have a pet with Diabetes, Cushing’s disease, an itch, or bald skin – Lisa is the vet in the central west you should be talking to.