BVSc (Liverpool), FANZCVS, GCCT, Veterinarian
Dr Liz Walmsley is a female Veterinarian.
Liz graduated from Liverpool University, UK in 2005.
She completed 18 months at Scone Equine Hospital as a surgical intern before joining the University of Melbourne as surgical resident from 2007-2010. Liz became a Fellow of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in Equine Surgery in 2012 and has worked as an academic staff member and surgeon seeing surgical and lameness referral cases as well as mentoring veterinary students and residents (specialists in training) at the University of Melbourne until July 2021.
Liz has extensive experience in lameness diagnostics including the use of advanced imaging. With many years of experience with nuclear scintigraphy (bone scan), CT and MRI in addition to the more commonly used techniques X-ray and ultrasound, Liz is well placed to determine the optimal method for investigation of equine lameness. Liz enjoys the emergency caseload that arises during the breeding season and has particular interest in the surgical management of colic.