BVSc (Hons), Veterinarian
Dr Michelle Monaghan is a female Veterinarian.
Michelle graduated from the University of Queensland in 1998 where she was an avid endurance rider and endurance veterinarian. Michelle came to work at Lithgow Vet Hospital for two years as a new graduate. Michelle then worked and travelled overseas, competed endurance horses, attended parelli clinics with her arabian and then spent some time learning about alpacas in the Hawkesbury, before returning to Lithgow in 2005 and later purchasing the practice in 2007. Michelle has completed the equinology massage course (basic and advanced), the equinology equine myofascial release course as well as the equine podiatry course offerred by Andrew and Nikki Bowe at Mayfield, Vic and is very interested in equine laminitis and nutrition and barefoot trimming and hoof boots.
Michelle and her menagerie live at Lowther on acerage and over her time in Lithgow she has collected highland cattle, boer and dairy goats, sheep, maremmas (as well as your random strays from the clinic), moggies, burmese and maine coon cats, alpacas, arabian and standardbred horses, chickens, ducks and quails. The love of her life however is a white boxer called Beetle that arrived as a stray at the clinic many years ago.
Michelle is a memer of the AVPMA, AVA and EVA and special interests groups for cattle and alpacas. She is also a member of the Johnes MAP and Q-alpaca program. Michelle regularly travels overseas for conferences with the most recent being a trip to Peru for the Australian Alpaca conference and a feline conference in 2015 and equine hoof & nutrition symposium in Daylesford, Victoria.