Dr Nicki Martinson Somersby Animal Hospital Somersby

Dr Nicki Martinson

BVM (Cambridge), Veterinarian

Dr Nicki Martinson is a female Veterinarian.

Nicki graduated from Cambridge University with a BA and Batchelor of Veterinary Medicine in 2002 and spent the next decade working as a small animal veterinarian in the UK and Australia. After completing a Master of Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice with Murdoch University she took a career break to start a family before rejoining the profession with a renewed passion for helping people and their pets.

Nicki enjoys all aspects of veterinary science, but has a particular interest in behavioural medicine. Nicki recently gained membership by examination to the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Surgeons in Animal Behaviour and as an 'elite' fear-free practitioner she is passionate about helping even the most timid patients cope with veterinary visits.