Dr Ruth  Gore Eastwood Veterinary Clinic Ballarat East

Dr Ruth Gore

BVSc (Hons) (Qld), MVS, MANZCVS (Feline Medicine), ISFM AdvCertFB), Veterinarian

Dr Ruth Gore is a female Veterinarian.

Graduating from The University of Queensland in 1992 with first class honours, Ruth worked in small animal practice in South East Queensland until moving to Ballarat in 1998. She joined the Eastwood Vet Clinic team shortly after and took over ownership of the practice in 2002.

Ruth completed her Masters in Veterinary Studies in 2001 and was admitted via examinations as a Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Feline Medicine in July 2013. More recently she has completed the ISFM Advanced Certificate in Feline Behaviour for Veterinary Professionals in April 2020.