BVSc (Syd), Veterinarian
Dr Sarah Butler is a female Veterinarian.
I grew up on a mixed farming property west of Inverell. After graduating from Sydney Uni in 1988 I worked at Warialda, Bingara, and the Hunter Valley before moving to Armidale in 2001.
I opened the doors on North Hill veterinary Clinic in 2004 and really enjoyed the privilege of providing great animal care to the Armidale District. In 2016 Fiona Le Surf joined the team, and by 2017 she was a co-owner of the Clinic. This bought great balance to the business side of the clinic.
I still enjoy all aspects of rural Veterinary Practice, from the Horses and Cattle down to Small Animals and everything in between. Over the years I have built many close relationships with people and their pets / livestock and really enjoy the personal interactions that make up part of our rural community. I am also very fortunate to have such a fantastic team of Vets and Nurses to work with. Together we have a vast array of skill, passions and interests... all relating to the best care of animals, and their owners.