Dr Shalini I Sivakumar Dapto Veterinary Clinic Dapto

Dr Shalini I Sivakumar

BVSc (Syd), Veterinarian

Dr Shalini I Sivakumar is a female Veterinarian.

Shalini joined the Dapto Veterinary Clinic team in early 2014 after working at clinics in Greater Sydney. Shalini is a highly skilled surgeon who has a diverse medical background (both of her parents are local General Practitioners) and extensive experience in a range of species.

Shalini has excelled in delivering the highest standard of veterinary care to her local community over the last 10 years. Having grown up in Dapto, Shalini enjoys a natural rapport with local families. You will find Shalini to be a very kind, caring and considerate veterinarian.

On the 2nd October 2020, Shalini and her husband Sath purchased Dapto Veterinary Clinic from Dr Rod Yeatman. We thank Rod for the opportunity to continue on servicing the health needs of all animals in the Illawarra. Dapto Veterinary Clinic has been providing excellent veterinary care and service to the local community for over 40 years, and will continue doing so long into the future.