BA, VMD (USA), DIP ACVIM (Equine), Veterinarian
Dr Stephanie Hernandez is a female Veterinarian who speaks Italian, Portuguese and Spanish (as well as English).
Stephanie has come from a varied background of research and intensive training in equine medicine including a Bachelor of Arts and Veterinary Medical Degree from the University of Pennsylvania, an internship at a high-volume equine hospital in Washington State and an equine internal medicine residency at Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center at Virginia Tech. She successfully competed the second of two ACVIM boards examinations in 2022 and joined NEC for a beach holiday with her new husband and Australian Labradoodle. Stephanie is not only dedicated to providing the best care for her equine patients, she is also trained in business management, medical research and multilingual as a native Spanish speaker with proficiency in both Portuguese and Italian.