BVSc (London), Veterinarian
Dr Victoria Charlesworth is a female Veterinarian.
Victoria graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2013.
In 2014, Victoria undertook a rotating internship in anaesthesia, orthopaedics and internal medicine at Rainbow Equine Hospital, UK. Since then, Victoria has worked in equine practice in England completing multiple breeding seasons and has experience of both first opinion and referral equine practice. Victoria’s clinical interests include equine reproduction, neonatology and gastrointestinal disease. Alongside clinical practice commitments, Victoria is a registered racecourse veterinary surgeon (ARVS) and FEI registered treating veterinarian.
Currently, Victoria is studying towards dual advanced practitioner status in the fields of equine stud medicine and equine internal medicine with the University of Liverpool. Victoria is also a published author in the prominent journal, Equine Veterinary Education. Victoria first came to Avenel Equine Hospital in 2020 as a seasonal Associate Veterinarian and returns to us in 2021 in a permanent role as Associate Veterinarian.