Dr Victoria  Jordan New Lambton Veterinary Clinic Broadmeadow

Dr Victoria Jordan

BVSc (Syd), MVS (Small Animal Practice), Veterinarian

Dr Victoria Jordan is a female Veterinarian.

Victoria lived in the Lake Macquarie area for most of her childhood before moving to Sydney with family. She graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Sydney in 2005 and first met Fiona during a practical rotation in her final year! Victoria worked in several busy small animal practices across Western Sydney, including a stint working in an animal shelter before moving to Newcastle with her husband and growing family in 2017. She has interests in internal medicine, behaviour, dermatology and dentistry and completed a Masters in Veterinary Studies (Small Animal Practice) in 2013. When not at work, Victoria is kept busy by her three young children and four cats and when she has spare time enjoys baking, reading and gardening (especially succulents).