Dr Yi Jiun  Law  Tuggeranong Veterinary Hospital Fadden

Dr Yi Jiun Law

BSc (Biology), BVSc (Melb), Veterinarian

Dr Yi Jiun Law is a female Veterinarian.

Yi Jiun was born in Taipei City where she grew up always having a love for all living creatures. As a kid Yi Jiun couldn’t help bringing home stray animals, anything from lizards to caterpillars and mantises, trying to make pets out of all of them. At the age of 6, Yi Jiun already decided to spend the rest of her life serving animals.

Yi Jiun completed a Bachelor degree in biology and worked in a research institute focusing on biodiversity and population genetics, then decided she wanted to work with animals.

In 2003, Yi Jiun came to Australia to study veterinary science at the University of Melbourne. By the time Yi Jiun graduated in 2006 she had visited most major cities in Australia where she enjoyed every piece of this great southern land.

Yi Jiun became an Australian citizen and finally settled in Canberra in 2009. Her special interests include diagnostic imaging and surgery.